Sunday, May 24, 2009


This morning we had a guest speaker who is an American who has taught English in Italy for 30 years.  She shared how the Italian school system is set out and how they help children, even though there are no school counselors in the system.  Children are instead, helped by psychologists on a bigger level.  Issues such as body image, bullying, career development, and depression are handled through the school psychologists.  It was very interesting to hear how the Italian schools are set up vs American schools.  After Italian students finish middle school, they choose what type of high school they will attend.  The different high schools include professional, technical, classical, and arts.

During the afternoon Dr Remley did a session about ethics and legal issues with counseling.  He is a LPC but also a practicing lawyer who works with counselors who are being sued.  It was a little frightening to hear his stories and examples of what to do and what not to do when being sued.  While this is something I hope will never happen, the reality is that may not be the case.

The afternoon was an optional trip to Vallombrosa/Saltino.  It was a relaxing trip with a scenic walk through the woods and optional Italian mass.  I opted against the mass and went to the local bar (aka café’) to have a snack with a few of my new friends.  It was a delightful afternoon of chatting and observing the culture.  

my snack from the bar

the bar

the trees on our walk

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